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Этот продукт включает в себя 1100 золотых баров для Wolfenstein Youngblood на Xbox One. Требуется базовая игра.
3 главных причин получить Wolfenstein Youngblood – 1100 Gold Bars
- Save time and money by picking up golden bars for Wolfenstein Youngblood from Cdkeys.
- Golden Bars are an in-game currency in Youngblood that allows you to purchase unique cosmetics and other useful items.
- Upgrade your gear with gold bars and then get back to your Nazi ass!
О Вулфенштейне Янгблауд – 1100 золотых баров
- Contains 500 Gold Bars, an in-game currency used to purchase new power armor and skins for weapons, gear, PEP signals, and consumables to help you and your friends fight through Nazi-occupied Paris.
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What are the system requirements?
- Xbox Live Account
- Internet connection for activation and online features
- Wolfenstein base game Youngblood
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